Our next Open Event is Tuesday 4 March


We like to work in partnership with you

Welcome to Nescot

This section of the website has information to help you understand how we work with parents and guardians to ensure that our learners get the most benefit from their time with us.

From your first contact with us you will find that we like to work in partnership with you and we welcome your calls and feedback. You will be kept informed of your child's progress through regular reports and parents' evenings, and we will also contact you if we have any concerns about their progress or attendance.

The difference between school and a College environment can seem enormous at first.
There are a host of new routines and responsibilities to learn before a student even begins their chosen course of study. At Nescot, we believe that the best way to ease this transition is to provide quality student support and we also know that this support begins with parents and guardians.

Small class sizes and individual tutor support ensure that every student can develop a close, professional relationship with teaching and support staff. But we also work with parents and carers to regularly communicate about progress, performance and attendance to develop a real partnership. While we want to encourage our students to become independent, capable young adults, we value the contribution of concerned parents and guardians, and you can contact your child's tutor at any time.

Starting College

Your son or daughter will be invited to formally enrol at the College. They should bring their birth certificate or passport, certificates of any qualifications and means of payment for their course (if required). New students will have an individual interview with teaching staff and will also be assessed in literacy and numeracy. This is so we are aware of their current ability and can tailor their learning appropriately. They will also be given instructions for their first day.

Once term begins, each student will meet with their tutor and draw up a Learning Plan. This is an agreement between the student and the College and sets personalised goals for students to achieve in the term ahead. Teaching staff use these Learning Plans to track progress and you and your child will also be able to monitor their targets and progress. You will be invited to regular consultation evenings at the College where these achievements will be fully discussed with you.

You will first be invited to the College early in the first term, after courses have commenced. This gives you the opportunity to meet us and for you to learn about the college and your child's course and department. You will also be given details on how to contact tutors.

Parent Portal Service

To view a live snap-shot of how your young person is getting along at college, please log into Parent Portal. Parent Portal contains information on targets set and attendance, as well as the Annual Parent report.

Find out how to access and use the portal here

If you have any any problems please email studentexperience@nescot.ac.uk for support.

Meetings with staff

If you require a meeting with a member of staff, please email the staff member to make an appointment and include the details of the enquiry.

We cannot accommodate unplanned visits, if you arrive at reception without an appointment you will be asked to make one.

Additional Learning Support

If your son or daughter has a learning difficulty or disability it is important that they indicate this on their application form. Nescot believes that every student should get the most out of their studies and college life so we offer very high levels of support and have correspondingly high expectations.

We can provide class-based or total one-to-one support and we have specially adapted learning areas, technology and exam provision. All this is delivered by expert staff, who have an outstanding track record in helping students attain their full potential.

For all the additional areas of help and guidance you and your son or daughter may need during their time at Nescot, the College provides expert education, career and financial advisors, a confidential counselling service and medical services, including a college nurse. All of these services are free to students.

Helping to Achieve Success

In addition to the course of study your son or daughter has chosen to pursue, there are many ways in which the college prepares your son or daughter for future success:

Literacy, Numeracy and ICT

These skills are vital for future success, so Nescot will provide your son or daughter with a formally accredited programme of study to help them present their work confidently and professionally.


The tutorial scheme at Nescot is designed to give your son or daughter an individually tailored learning experience. Every student has a Personal Development Coach who can help with any queries they may have or support they may need.

Virtual Classrooms

Nescot uses cutting edge techniques to prepare our students for the modern workplace. Our online learning areas let students add to the information received in class and even contact their tutors when not in college.

Time Management and Attendance

Students are provided with timetables and learning plans, and encouraged to take responsibility for their own success with staff support. Every student is required to attend ALL lessons on their timetable, including Functional Skills, Tutorials and Enrichment.  If a student is unable to attend college, they must contact their tutor as soon as possible.

Holidays and routine medical appointments will not be authorised during term-time.

If your son or daughter is unable to attend college you must call 0208 394 8585 in the first instance.

Student Services

For all the additional areas of help and guidance you and your son or daughter may need during their time at Nescot, the College provides expert education, career and financial advisors, mental health and medical services, including a college nurse. All of these services are free to students.


Nescot's campus provides a host of facilities and expertise to help students develop into mature, rounded individuals.

The campus has extensive outdoor sports pitches and a modern, fully equipped gym and sports hall. We also have two working theatres and modern music technology and practice rooms. 

Expert instruction in a variety of activities is available to your son or daughter through our Enrichment options. Each student is required to pick an activity to pursue as part of this scheme and will have the chance to learn a new skill or continue an existing interest. Options range from yoga and chess to football and street theatre so there really is something for everyone.

The College also has a key place in the local community and your son or daughter will be encouraged to use their skills in a wider context. We run many charity and community events throughout the year and have excellent links with local organisations and businesses.

Online Safety

Growing up online 

In our teenage years we explore, try new things and sometimes push boundaries and take risks, this is an essential part of growing up.

With all of the potential that the online world and new technology offers, young people now have access to huge opportunities. They use technology to express themselves, explore, and be creative; it has changed the way they communicate.

The internet has changed all of our lives, and your child has grown up during this change. Many of the things that confuse, baffle or even scare us, are part of the everyday for them. For many of us, this can all be a bit too much.

Whether you’re a technophobe or a technophile, it’s still likely that you’ll be playing catch-up with the way your child is using the internet. You might wonder whether what they are doing is safe, and you might also be thinking how can I be as good a parent online as I am offline?

Go to the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) website thinkuknow for practical advice and tips.

Additional resources can be found at:


www.esafety-adviser.com  - who produce a regular pdf magazine called Ditto

bullies out.com

You can read Nescot's E-Safety Policy here.

Found harmful material online? 

Report content to The Report Harmful Content service


Can I get any financial help for my child to study at Nescot?

Grants are also available according to your child's unique circumstances and the college has a dedicated team of student finance experts to help you. Contact Sharon Greenwood on 020 8394 3033 or Jacqui Kavanagh on 020 8394 3186 for further information.

How can my child get to and from College?

Although Nescot has a semi-rural setting it is extremely well served by public transport. There are two main line train stations within walking distance of the campus and we are easily reached by bus. Alternatively, the College has ample free parking for students and secure spaces for bicycles, motorbikes and mopeds. Vehicles should be registered at the beginning of term and parking permits clearly displayed.

Where will my child eat at College?

There are numerous healthy eating options available in our modern, airy Refectory including hot and cold breakfast, lunch and dinner. A deli bar offers fresh baguettes, wraps, jacket potatoes and salads. There is also a Coffee Shop and a Starbucks. Businesses in the local village run special lunchtime offers for the students.

Will my child need any special equipment kit or uniform?

Some courses may require protective clothing and your child may choose to do an enrichment option or sport, which requires extra kit. The college makes every effort to provide kit for students but in some cases a contribution will be required.  Find out more about PPE here.

How can I support my child during their time at Nescot?

Leaving school can be an exciting but also daunting time. Your child will have the highest levels of support at Nescot and we welcome parental involvement. We will work with you to ensure your child gets the most out of their college years.

Will I be kept informed of my child's progress?

You will be invited to regular consultation evenings at the College where your child's needs and achievements will be fully discussed with you. Your child will have a Personal Tutor who will be your first point of contact for any queries you have.

How will I know if my child is having problems?

The College has effective systems to pick up any difficulties your child may be having before they become problems. You will be notified if anything is preventing them from achieving and we can provide expert help in overcoming these difficulties.

Will my child be safe at the college?

Nescot is a single campus college so everything your child needs is easily available on our secure site. Our security staff maintain a high profile across the college and especially in the refectory and Starbucks areas. They work closely with the Safeguarding and Wellbeing Team and are experienced in dealing with social and emotional difficulties. The College also has a clear child protection and welfare policy.

What if I have a complaint about Nescot?

You should be able to resolve most issues with the help of your child's Personal Development Coach. If this is not the case you can fill out a form in Reception which will be forwarded to the Assistant Principal, Student Services and Quality.

What if my child needs additional support?

Nescot is proud of the expert support we provide for our students. If you let us know what challenges your child faces we can work together to overcome them.

What if my child has a medical problem?

Nescot has dedicated medical staff on site to deal with health advice, medical complaints and emergencies. The College Nurse is situated in the First Aid Room on the ground of floor of North Wing.

What are Study Programmes?

Every full-time student has an individual study programme which brings together the qualifications and skills needed to have the best opportunities to progress to the next level of studies or to employment. What’s in their study programme will depend on what they have already achieved and what their next step will be towards an eventual career.

They start by choosing their main course – and when we meet them we’ll put the rest of the programme together with them. If they haven’t yet achieved English and Maths GCSE at grade 4 it will include either GCSE or functional skills at a level to enable them to keep studying and gain employment. Depending on which main course they choose, coupled with their English and Maths needs, there may be work experience, an extended project, online courses and workshops to prepare them for employment as part of their study programme.

Study programmes are all 540 hours and all parts of their programme are compulsory.

What if I want to talk to a member of staff about my child?

If you require a meeting with a member of staff, please email the staff member to make an appointment and include the details of the enquiry.

We cannot accommodate unplanned visits, if you arrive at reception without an appointment you will be asked to make one.


To view some of our recent feedback from parents, and find out how to send any comments you may have, please visit this page