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Personal Development Coaches

The role of the Personal Development Coach is to improve the attendance, retention and achievement of all students at Nescot. 

The PDC team organise weekly tutorials covering a wide range of topics to help students progress in education and employment, improve their physical and emotional wellbeing, and develop their skills and knowledge to take a full part in society. They are the also a first point of contact for safeguarding and wellbeing issues.

A Personal Development Coach will monitor and mentor students who are at risk of dropping out of college, or not succeeding on their study programme due to internal and external factors. Personal Development Coaches also assist students in the completion and achievement of their study programme through referral to internal or external support systems if needed. 

At Nescot any Further Education student studying full-time will be allocated a Personal Development Coach to help steer them towards success and who will provide support by:

  • Weekly tutorials – outside of a student’s curriculum
  • Contributing to career progression plans and help develop the required skills for life and future careers
  • Offer regular guidance and support in becoming an independent and self-motivated learner, while offering both academic and personal support
  • Helping to remove barriers to learning such as support with funding, UCAS applications and work experience
  • Monitoring academic success, tracking and target setting
  • Maintaining a level of punctuality and help to manage attendance and behaviour
  • Referral to Student Wellbeing or other Services if necessary