Our next Open Event is Tuesday 4 March

University-Level Student Transcripts

How to obtain replacement certificates, transcripts and verification of awards

Academic transcripts come in a range of formats, including diploma supplements and Higher Education Achievement Reports (from 2015). These may be issued by NESCOT directly, or by the validating University or awarding body.

Should you wish to request a copy of an academic transcript please follow the process below, bearing in mind that you may be directed to the validating partner should they have issued this document directly:

Requests for Transcripts/Diploma Supplement and Verification of Award

Please note that following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in May 2018 the College no longer holds individual student academic performance data beyond 7 years after the completion of the course. For further details of our GDPR retention policy please refer to the College webpage - GDPR retention policy.

Students who wish to obtain a duplicate or replacement transcript or a letter of verification confirming their award should email their request to quality@nescot.ac.uk

Please supply the following information: -

  1. Your full name (at the date of graduation)
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Course Title and Award e.g. BA (Hons), HND etc.
  4. Year of Award
  5. Your student number (if known)
  6. Your address to be used for the posting of documents
  7. Contact telephone number

Please also provide proof of identity e.g. copy of passport or Driving Licence.

There is an administration fee of £30 for a replacement transcript or a Verification of Award letter. This must be paid in advance by credit/debit card using the secure payment gateway or by cheque* (made payable to NESCOT).
*If you are making a payment by cheque please write the reference ‘transcript’ on the rear of the cheque.

Please note that requests will not be processed until payment is received.

Duplicate or Replacement Certificates

There can only be one original certificate in existence at any one time.If your original certificate has been lost or destroyed, you must apply to the institution that validated the course. For further details please email quality@nescot.ac.uk

Delivery of Requested Items

Please note that all documents ordered via the website are posted via Royal Mail recorded delivery to the address provided. A signature will be required on delivery. If there is no one to sign for the package, it'll go back to the local sorting office and, eventually, be returned to us. The Post Office should leave you some notification that they tried to deliver a recorded mail item.

Orders posted to international addresses will be sent via Royal Mail Airsure recorded delivery. NESCOT is unable to estimate how long items take to be delivered to various destinations. We also can't be responsible for any items that go astray in the mail. If you wish to trace items that have been ordered, we'll provide you with the recorded mail item number and you can then trace the item via the Royal Mail website.

If you think you're unlikely to be at your home address when the documents arrive, please provide an alternative address, such as your work.

How long does it take?

Requests will normally be processed within 25 working days.