Our next Open Event is Tuesday 4 March

Travel and Tourism

Nescot's Travel and Tourism department will give you the skills to work in one of the world’s most exciting and fastest moving industries.

The Travel and Tourism Department

Teaching staff have industry experience with companies including British Airways, TUI First Choice, Going Places, Virgin Atlantic. In addition staff have worked in destinations such as Egypt, Venezuela, Canary Islands, Thailand, Greek Islands and United Arab Emirates.

What You Can Expect
  • Teaching and assessment on our Resort Reps, Aviation and Cabin Crew courses have been awarded a grade 1 by the awarding body.
  • Industry-standard IT facilities and well equipped classrooms.
  • Staff develop and nuture an interest in travel and discovery by organising and running overseas residentials and day trips.
  • Guest speakers who work in the industry. Past speakers have included representatives from Virgin Atlantic, easyJet, STA Travel and independent tour operators.
  • Work experience placements. In the last few years students have secured placements at The Ritz, easyJet, British Airways, Jersey Airport and The London Aquarium, with many offered permanent jobs.
  • Travel students can take additional qualifications in NCFE Resort Reps, Cabin Crew and Aviation Operations on the Ground, which employers value highly.
Our Facilities

We have a brand new fully-equipped cabin service room, which is set up like an aircraft so you can carry out cabin crew role-plays such as delivering services, dealing with emergencies and customer service scenarios.


Our students have gone on to universities including:

  • University of Surrey
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Chester
  • University of Brighton
  • Bournemouth University
  • University of Roehampton
  • University of Greenwich

or directly into employment with:

  • British Airways
  • Emirates Holidays
  • Newmarket Holidays
  • EasyJet
  • Gatwick Airport

At Nescot we encourage our students to think ahead, so that they can choose the right courses to fit them and their future. We also use an innovative online platform called Start, which is a free and comprehensive digital platform, offering students a single starting point to help simplify careers guidance. Students can build a personal profile aimed at guiding them throughout their career. Find out more here.

Labour market trends

This chart shows some details about employment trends in the sector, and companies Nescot works with.

Skills you will gain

Courses in travel and tourism at Nescot prepare you not just for the many opportunities in the tourism sector, but for careers in any service or customer-focused industry. Skills you will learn include:

  • Customer service
  • Presentation and professionalism
  • Sales and marketing 
  • Knowledge of health and safety 
  • Business principles 
  • Communication 
  • Literacy and numeracy 
  • Resilience and motivation

Photograph of a Nescot student

The course is really broad, so you feel prepared to work in any part of the industry in the UK or abroad. One of the best things is that you get to do additional qualifications, which gives you a good advantage when you’re applying for jobs or to university. We even have a room set out like an aircraft to practice in, and when you’re doing things for yourself everything makes sense so much more than if you were just reading from a book. I’ve applied for an apprenticeship with a major airline, and because of my experience at Nescot I went into the interview feeling really prepared.”

Photograph of a Nescot student

I want to work in the travel industry in the future, and the course has given me a lot of the skills and experience I need. I got to do an extra qualification in cabin crew, which will look great on my CV, and we even have a cabin crew room in the college.

Hear from our students