Our next Open Event is Tuesday 4 March

Our Level 2 Creative Media students were winners at the FE Surrey Creative Digital Finals hosted at East Surrey College last week.

With a focus on AI for positive change, the Creative Digital students competed in front of a panel of prestigious judges, including Bruce Speechly, Digital Transformation in IBM; Billy Smith, Principal Consultant at Billy Smith Ltd; Michael Vodden, Roto/Prep Lead at Union VFX and Peter Gordon, Business Owner at PG Media.

Level 2 students from Nescot, East Surrey College and Brooklands competed first, followed by Level 3 students from Brooklands, East Surrey College and Activate. Presenting on an AI development they have created and put in place based on a chosen area to support positive change in the future.

The team of Level 2 Creative Media students from Nescot, Trevor, Chloe, Mahnoor and Tilley were first up in their category. Their presentation demonstrated, how AI could be used to generate content specific to individual preferences to enhance user experience.

The students said that working on the project has expanded their knowledge base and the help and guidance they received from their tutors was invaluable. They all felt that the competition was a great experience and gave them an opportunity to network with industry experts.

Creative Media tutor Jess added, “We are so proud of our students who have all worked so hard. The project they worked on took them out of their comfort zone and gave them a chance to try out something different. They received excellent feedback from the judges and this whole experience has boosted their confidence.”

Congratulations to the winners from Nescot for Level 2 and East Surrey College for Level 3 and well done to all the students who took part to show off the real impact of AI.

For information on our Creative Media courses visit our website.