Enrolment 2024 – details here.

Nescot offered its first summer school this year to adult students who wanted to improve their English speaking and listening skills. The first class were very enthusiastic and gave glowing feedback.

Tutor Kieran said, "During August 2023, I have delivered the first ESOL Summer School provided at Nescot and it has been a great success. England is home to people from around the world, many of whom are refugees fleeing difficult circumstances abroad. Most notably, we have received a large number of Ukrainian individuals, seeking refuge in our country with the aim of developing their skills and understanding of the English language so that they can become independent, working members of British society. It has been an absolute pleasure to host this ESOL class for such talented, kind-hearted, committed and sincere individuals. It has been a glowingly positive experience and I am overjoyed to have been a part of this ESOL course at Nescot. I look forward to seeing some familiar faces in future ESOL classes and providing a safe and supportive place for such individuals to learn and build themselves up."

The ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages) course intent is to support students newly arrived to the UK to develop spoken English, to enable them to access the community and work.

If you are interested in attending an ESOL class, our next cohort starts in September - click here to find out more.