Enrolment 2024 – details here.
Nescot has been selected to be the Lead College for the new Coast to Capital (C2C) Careers Hub.
Careers Hubs are government-funded initiatives aimed at ensuring that young people at school get the best information they can about their future direction. This will be first Careers Hub in the C2C area and covers 35 schools and colleges in the north of the C2C region.
Nescot Principal Frances Rutter said: "This is a recognition of the quality of the Advice and Guidance our staff provides, as well as demonstrating our active role with our Local Enterprise Partnership. It puts us at the cutting edge of Information, Advice and Guidance services and ensures strong links with the Enterprise Adviser Network."
Students, parents and the public can access a wealth of careers resources to help inform their decisions on next steps from our website here.