Enrolment 2024 – details here.


An apprenticeship enables anyone aged 16 and over to learn a profession by learning knowledge and skills in the classroom and gaining practical experience at work. You can see all the subjects we offer apprenticeships in below.

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Nescot is open

Step 1

Explore your options

Find out more about our courses on our website. Come to an Open Event and chat to staff and current students, to find out more about what studying at Nescot is like.

Step 2

Apply online

Read the course details to make sure the course is right for you and click to Apply Now. You will need to have an email address to use the applicant portal.

We can accept one full-time (16-18) application. If you apply for an apprenticeship, you can also apply for a full-time course as a back-up plan.

Step 3

Next steps

We’ll check your application to make sure the course is right for you, and we may arrange an interview.

We may also ask for a reference from your school. You can download the reference form here and email or post it to us.

Step 4

The offer

We’ll consider your application carefully and hope to be able to offer you a place. Your offer will be conditional on your GCSE grades. We might offer you an alternative and/or contact you to discuss your options.

Step 5

Accepting the offer

You will need to accept your offer through your applicant portal. You can only accept one offer, so if you’ve applied for more than one course you will need to decline these offers. r through your applicant portal. You can only accept one offer, so if you’ve applied for more than one course you will need to decline these offers.

Step 6

Welcome & induction event

We will invite you to a Welcome and Induction Event, usually in late June. We will be in touch with you to confirm the date.

Step 7


We will contact you to invite you to enrol some time between late June and August. Enrolling will confirm your place at Nescot. If your grades from GCSE or other exams aren’t what you hope for, we will offer you a place at an alternative level or help you find a different course.

Step 8

Join Nescot

Term starts in early September. From your first day at the college we will support you to succeed and fulfil your ambitions in education.

Information for Apprentices

An apprenticeship enables anyone aged 16 and over to learn a profession by learning knowledge and skills in the classroom and gaining practical experience at work.

Why do an apprenticeship at Nescot?

Here are a few ideas about what you could enjoy about becoming an apprentice. 

  • Earn while you learn. Like your colleagues, you’ll get paid a wage right from your first day. Like the other students at college, you’ll be getting all the training and help to make sure you get your qualifications. As an apprentice you'll get the best of both worlds. You'll get at least the minimum wage for your age, but many apprentices earn much more. You can find out more about the national minimum wage here 

  • Get the qualifications you need. Apprenticeships are highly focussed on helping you develop and achieve the skills, experience and qualifications employers want you to have. That means the college will also make sure your maths, English and IT skills are up to scratch

  • Learn at your own pace. Another benefit to on-the-job training is that you can take the time to make sure you understand something, and ask for help if you don’t. Your Nescot tutor will also be happy to help if you have any questions about what you’re learning at work.

  • Do a real job. Like your colleagues, you’ll get paid holidays and other benefits such as pension contributions. You’ll be working alongside full-time members of staff so you can get a sense of what the job will be like once you finish your training.

  • Great support. Again, you have the best of both worlds, with your employer and the college working together to help you get the skills and experience you need to gain your qualification.

  • Practical experience. By the time you finish your apprenticeship you’ll not only be qualified to work in the trade, you’ll also have an understanding of your role and your industry you can’t read in a book.

  • Great prospects. One you’ve finished your course you could stay with your company, perhaps with a promotion, or look for a full-time job elsewhere. Our apprentices tell us the practical experience they’ve had helps them stand out from other candidates when they apply for job, and makes them feel more confident too. You could also continue into Higher Education.

  • Transferable skills. Although your apprenticeship will be very focussed on your particular profession, you’ll also learn a lot of skills you’ll find useful in other industries and careers. For example, health and safety requirements, numeracy, time management and an understanding of how different roles and industries work together.
How can I apply for an apprenticeship at Nescot?

If you want to find out more about apprenticeships you can call the Advice and Guidance team on 020 8394 3038 and chat to them over the phone or make an appointment to come in to college and speak to someone in person.

When you’re ready to apply, you can follow the links on your chosen course to apply online. If you need any assistance applying please contact the Advice and Guidance team on the details above.

Once you’ve applied, the Advice and Guidance team will be in touch with you to arrange an interview with the Apprenticeships team where we will also talk to you about whether you have a job, and if you don’t how we can help to find one. You will also be able to talk about your other options, such as studying full-time.

Read the information here for more information about your next steps in applying for an apprenticeship.

Find our latest Apprenticeship job vacancies here

What can I study an apprenticeship in?

An apprenticeship enables anyone aged 16 and over to learn a profession by learning knowledge and skills in the classroom and gaining practical experience at work. Nescot offers apprenticeships in the subjects below.

  • Associate Nursing: Level 5
  • Business Administration: Level 3
  • Carpentry and Joinery: Level 2
  • Customer Service: Level 3
  • Cyber Security Technician: Level 3
  • Cyber Security Technologist: Level 4
  • Data Analyst: Level 4
  • Data Technician: Level 3
  • Digital Marketer: Level 3
  • Early Years Educator: Level 3
  • Electrical: Level 3
  • Gas Engineering Operative: Level 3
  • Healthcare Play Specialist: Level 5
  • Information Communication Technician: Level 3
  • Operations/Departmental Manager: Level 5
  • Plumbing and Heating Natural Gas Route: Level 3
  • Software Developer: Level 4
  • Software Development Technician: Level 3
  • Team Leader/Supervisor: Level 3

Find our latest Apprenticeship job vacancies here

How will Nescot support me during my apprenticeship?

One of the benefits of doing an apprenticeship at Nescot is that you'll get support from both the college and your employer. The college has a dedicated apprenticeship team with staff experienced at helping apprentices and their employers, and they'll visit you at work to help you through the course.

You can expect:

  • A dedicated team to support you through your English, Maths and ICT
  • Highly-qualified tutors
  • Occupational experts and assessors to assess you in the workplace and support you through your whole qualification
  • Dedicated Apprenticeship advisors to provide general support throughout
  • Access to the latest IT software and equipment, and our refurbished Learning Resource Centre

We hope you’ll be very happy while you’re studying on your apprenticeship programme, but if you do have any questions at any point you can speak to your assessor, or contact the apprenticeship team by calling 020 8394 8425 or emailing apprenticeships@nescot.ac.uk

You can find out more about what Nescot does to support students here.

Differences between an Apprenticeship and a full-time course

We are often asked by young people and parents about the differences between an Apprenticeship and a Full-time college course. This page highlights the key differences - and similarities.

How will my apprenticeship be assessed?

An apprenticeship is a framework of qualifications which takes place in the workplace and assesses your ability to undertake specific parts of the job.

An Apprenticeship is usually made up of at least 4 parts:

The competency qualification (NVQ)
This is specific to each course. A college assessor will visit you at work at various points during your course and observe your practical skills, judging you either as 'competent' or 'not competent'. If you are judged as not competent you'll be able to get some more practice before being assessed again.

The knowledge qualification (Technical certificate)
This is an academic assessment of your knowledge, but not all apprenticeships have this component. Assessment method is decided by the awarding body, and could include case studies, projects, practical skills tests and exams. 

Functional Skills (English, Maths and IT)
As part of your apprenticeship you are required to achieve a level of Maths, English and IT to enable you to meet the needs of employers. If you already have qualifications such as GCSEs or AS or A-Levels you may not need to do Functional Skills. Not all apprenticeships need you to have all three Functional Skills. You'll be assessed through online multiple choice exams. 

Employment right and responsibilities
Every apprentice must demonstrate they know and understand the rights of employers and employees under employment law. Teaching will cover topics including health and safety, equality and diversity and other contractual rights.

You may also have to take some sector-specific qualifications, but this will be explained at your interview.

Who pays for an apprenticeship, and what financial help is available?

If you’re aged 16 to 18 you won’t have to pay anything to become an apprentice because the Government will fund your apprenticeship. 

If you’re over 19 your employer will pay a contribution for your apprenticeship.

For more information about our Advanced Learning Loans, for students aged 24 and over, and other types of help available contact our Student Finance team for advice.

As an apprentice, you're legally entitled to earn at least the apprenticeship minimum wage for your age, although some people earn much more.

Photograph of a Nescot student

I’ve only been doing my apprenticeship for a few months, but I can already see a lot of changes to my work and my behaviour. I’ve got a lot more self-confidence and self-belief, and I'm more motivated. The course is helping me to understand the business context around me, and through that knowledge I’ve already been able to start making positive changes for my team and the organisation as a whole. It’s giving me the belief in myself that I can effect change, and that’s powerful.

Photograph of a Nescot student

We love having apprentices, because it’s a great way of continuing to improve our collective skills and expertise. Our apprentices can learn from the expertise of our experienced colleagues, and the whole team benefits from keeping up to date on the latest early years theories and principles. We see apprenticeships as a long-term way of developing staff.
Suzanne Walsh, Operations and Nursery Manager at Nonsuch Park Forest School

Photograph of a Nescot student

We’re really serious about apprenticeships, because we see them as a great way to grow our business. We find that our apprentices are open-minded, full of enthusiasm and ready to learn, and we can teach them our way of doing things right from the beginning.
Nadine, Apprenticeship Coordinator at Pimlico