Our next Open Event is Tuesday 4 March.
University-Level Courses
Available Courses
Environmental health is a growing industry with opportunities available in many exciting, fast-paced sectors.
The department is committed to providing targeted training at times to suit busy professionals with virtual learning materials and tutors available by email outside of teaching hours.
Mrs Alice Bimpong - Course Coordinator/Senior Lecturer
Alice has lectured at Nescot College since 2010 and have seen a number of students successfully placed within their desired work setting. As course lead and senior lecture Alice organises/facilitates guest speakers and ensure that the course content/curriculum planning fully embeds the material needed to provide an engaging and progressive learning experience that can be transferred to the work place setting. Alice is an experienced Environmental Health Practitioner with over 25 years’ experience both with the Local Authority setting and as an independent consultant involved with inspecting /auditing, training and advising. Having specialised in food safety for 20 years she has engaged with many types of premises that sell food and is adept at dealing with challenging situations and people.
She has additionally specialised in Health Promotion/Education encompassing the holistic appreciation of environmental health, wellbeing, this has afforded her opportunities to plan and implement many projects and interventions to ensure that local businesses and communities were able to engage with services and make informed choices regarding food safety. Alice is a registered trainer/training centre for small business food safety training and have trained many businesses and individuals with regards to food safety in catering, food safety management and health and safety.