Our next Open Event is Tuesday 4 March

Payment Point

Pay for your course, settle an invoice, pay for a college trip or visit, or items like exam resits or a replacement ID card.

Welcome to Nescot’s payment gateway. You can use this service to pay for your course, settle an invoice, pay for a college trip or visit, or to pay for items like exam resits or a replacement ID card. You can also book and pay for short courses in our Gas and Electrical Academy and our Saturday Academy.

You may pay using a debit or credit card. If you are using the payment gateway for the first time you will be asked to register using your email address.

If you are paying on the Online Store as, or on behalf of, a current or future student at Nescot please enter the student’s name and their student number, if you know it, in ‘Your details’. If you’re paying for two students please set up an account for each. If you are booking courses with the Gas and Electrical Academy you only need to set up one account for multiple delegate bookings. By clicking on the links you are accepting our terms and conditions, which you can read here

If you need any help to use the online store, just contact the college’s Finance Team:

0208 394 3040 / 3044


Please note if you are looking for the new Nescot Merchandise Store (T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs etc,) please click here.